Archive for the ‘python’ tag
Can you have too many Advent Calendars? — I don’t think so!
Here is a wonderful python related one!
PS: I already needed help from wtfpython
PPS: A colleague recommended this… interesting…
def (a, b=None):
if b is None or a / b < 0:
return a
return a / b
How to Filter a List in Python; also: how to compare two results of %timeit
Python on OSX with “Scientific” Flavour
This post is for everybody who uses python on Mac OS 10.6 together with some “scientific” goodness such as numpy, scipy, matplotlib.
I installed MacPorts today, and it’s all there.
No problem whatsoever.
I tried individual packages with easy_install before, I tried Fink before. Both options were painful. MacPorts is reasonably well up to date, and works just fine, so far, knock on wood.