Videos of ESRI Conference
ESRI posted videos of their recent user conference. I couldn’t find a way to link to the individual videos. But on the link goes to the an overview page where you should find your way.
There are two presentations that I found very interesting:
- A presentation by FedEx on how they use GIS. Real time baby!
- A keynote by Willie Smits, initiator of the Masarang foundation, of on how he uses GIS to fundamentally analyze the situation of oil palms on Borneo. Here is his workflow for how he deals with illegal logging: After a suspicion, on day 1, data is collected. On day 2 the data is processed, and a map with relevant locations is sent to the field. On day 3 the area is flown over with the help of ultra-light planes. On day 4 a crew is sent to the narrowed down set of locations. On day 5 the illegal loggers are in jail.