
ground- water, geo- statistics, environmental- engineering, earth- science

Archive for May, 2007

Climate Change and Water-Price-Change

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London will be where Porto is now

This interesting and well designed map shows some cities but not at their current geographic location, but at a geographic location that currently has the climate that this city will have in 70 years.

Drinking Water too Expensive in Germany

The German magazine Der Spiegel has reported on may-23 how prices of publicly supplied drinking water vary in Germany. Today the same magazine interviews the economic minister of the province of Hessia on that topic today, and he announces dramatic price cuts.

Written by Claus

May 31st, 2007 at 1:27 pm

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Another Cool Wave

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Another cool picture with a wave: Another cool wave

(via Flickr)

Written by Claus

May 31st, 2007 at 12:06 pm

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All that climate change discussion is crap!

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Well, if somebody’s telling you so, you might get some useful support from the NewScientist. A very nice collection of all the stories, why climate change isn’t happening, why it isn’t man made, why we shouldn’t trust scientists dealing with climate change. And a very nice collection of background information, where the stories come from, what’s the scientific basis and where the myth starts.

Written by Johannes

May 25th, 2007 at 8:24 am

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More Bottled Water

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Chinese Water

This picture shows Xu Jiehua (r), the wife of the detained Chinese environmental activist Wu Yilong, sitting behind water samples collected by Wu Yilong from Chinese urban rivers and lakes. To me this looks more like popsicle-colors and not like drinking water… hopefully popsicle have different constituents though… Water from Chinese rivers

Celebrity Water

Some people, I think might fall into the category “celebrities”, seem to fall for anything… H2Om is the world’s first “interactive natural spring water” and is infused with the power of positive energy through words, music, colors, symbols, and you. It’s only $34.95 a case. Your choice of: Perfect Health, Love, Prosperity, Gratitude, Will Power, Joy, or Peace. See here, via here

Again Liquid Gummy Bears

On my recent trip to Albuquerque, I had to find out, that the vitaminwater I recently wrote about, in fact is ubiquitous in supermarkets in New Mexico. Who would have thought? And I’ve noticed a lot of people actually drinking it. My only explanation is “good” marketing…

Water Bottles and Waste

The German magazine Der Spiegel has a feature on the waste produced by consuming water from water bottles instead from the tap. The article references the worldwatch institute, but on their webpage I could find only this, which is probably related. The point of the story is that worldwide sales of bottled water have doubled within only years. All these bottles have significant impact on the world’s waste situation.

Written by Claus

May 13th, 2007 at 4:45 am

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Still Water Problems in Europe

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The rivers Elbe and Donau in Germany still suffer extreme low water levels, and are partially closed for shipping — a situation unheard of in May.

Italy ended up declaring a state of emergency yesterday, after no rain had fallen since last week

Written by Claus

May 6th, 2007 at 8:29 am

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