Stones Turned This Week
Net News Wire
NetNewsWire 6 is now on the (iOS, iPadOS) AppStore!
Together with NetNewsWire 6 on macOS it is a wonderful open RSS solution, offers iCloud sync that works well (and makes me think about my long-time, by now beloved, but not mentioned on _DavidSmith’s blog in quite some time, Feed Wrangler subscription).
One feature that I use more than anticipated is NNW’s novel ability to subscribe to Twitter Accounts (even searches) like a feed. It’s not surprising given twitter’s gradual and steady deterioration of the timeline.
How else, other than NNW, do you keep track of RSS feeds?
Speaking of blogging, Macdrifter seems to back from his hiatus. What a nice polarity to twitter – few posts, a lot of content! Also, I completely stole the title of this post from him.
Marble Quarry
Admittedly, this video is another link from Jason Kotke, but it has a strong connection to fractured rock hydrogeology, and hence is relevant for this site. The combination of the visuals from the open pit mine with its bulldozers together with the audio from an opera, is more delightful than expected. Then again, I am not so sure what to expect from an ad for a quarry.
Trinkwasser in Deutschland — Mengenproblematik
Obwohl wir (in Stuttgart) bisher eher ein durchschnittlich nasses Jahr haben, werden die Rufe nach mangelnder Wasserverfügbarkeit lauter.
Dürreperioden: Wird in Franken das Trinkwasser knapp? – Nürnberg –
Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz warnt vor Trinkwasserknappheit