
ground- water, geo- statistics, environmental- engineering, earth- science

Archive for April, 2018

Breaking Twitter?

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Twitter might soon be broken (#BreakingMyTwitter). Really, third party clients might be broken, due to API changes. More details are available at, a website from a group of third party twitter clients.

I am happy with Twitterrific, both on the mac (both before and after the revival) and on iOS. I have never used a native twitter client on any OS. I am not sure since when it is known that the end of the third party clients could be near. Version 5 of Twitterrific has been out since October 2017. Was it known then?

Now, as I have posted before, I appreciate the free web. The existence of this website is evidence of this. I guess, a lot of things can happen until June. It would be nice if open alternatives (e.g.,, mathstodon) would gain more users. On the other hand, on work-related topics, it seems like Twitter has recently stepped over a critical mass threshold, and I do enjoy the conversations there. Yet again, I know people who leave twitter, because of trolling and because of being not open. As they say, the future remains interesting!

Written by Claus

April 9th, 2018 at 8:05 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Getting Ready for #hymod18

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To get ready for the “Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling 2018″ Conference”s, about to start in a couple of hours, I played with a watershed on my sofa and a bivariate Gaussian distribution on my coffee table

Both apps are enabled via Apple’s ARKit:

  • GeoGebra has an app called “GeoGebra Augmented Reality” that allows you to plot functions of two variables on a surface that you can pick, like my coffee table. You can then rotate, walk around it, look on top of it and explore in other ways those functions. Great fun!
  • The WWF Free Rivers app puts a simple watershed on a surface you can define (like my sofa). Then clouds move in, and you can paddle down the river. Maybe more for kids. Still fun.

Great to see such nice use cases, and let’s get ready for integrated hydrosystem modelling #hymod18!

A watershed on my sofa
A watershed on my sofa.

a bivariate Gaussian density function on my coffee table
A bivariate Gaussian density on my coffee table.

Written by Claus

April 3rd, 2018 at 6:48 am

Posted in Uncategorized